RITA award-winning BESTSELLER . . .

Curriculum Vitae
Whispering in French, Sophia Nash’s first work of Women’s Fiction was published by William Morrow/HarperCollins in August 2017 to critical acclaim. The American Library Association’s review publication, Booklist, stated, ‘a literary tour de force’ in its starred review. At present, Nash is developing a novel set during WWI and WWII in France. The author of twelve additional books, all Regency era Historical Novels with romantic elements, Nash’s works have garnered fourteen national awards, including the prestigious RITA Award, and two spots on Booklist’s "Top Ten of the Year." Her books are translated and published in almost a dozen countries.
Before pursuing a writing career, Nash was an award-winning US television producer for a CBS affiliate, and an international television producer in Washington/Paris/London/Geneva/Moscow. She produced the first ever live, interactive broadcast from Moscow to numerous points in the western world during the 1980s. She was also a congressional speech writer, State Department/USIA Congressional Liaison, and CEO of an international Olympic-qualifier sporting event – a nonprofit organization benefitting children’s charities. She attended UCLA and received a Bachelor of Science in Communications from the University of Miami. Born in Switzerland, a citizen of both America and France, Nash is fluent in French and English. Currently, she lives in the Washington, DC area.

Left: Sophia was the CEO of the non-profit Washington International Horse Show for almost a decade, coming full circle with her childhood days of competing on the west coast junior equestrian circuit.

Sophia producing Literacy Program with Barbara Bush broadcast live to Europe.
Frequently Asked Questions
I want to write a novel. How do I get started?
Aside from reading and writing every day, you will gain so much by joining a writing organization. I tried to write the first manuscript closeted in a garret – just like any true gothic character. I got stuck about 150 pages into it and instinctively knew something was wrong but couldn’t put my finger on what it was. It wasn’t until I discovered several writing organizations and started attending workshops that I finally began to untangle all the problems in the manuscript. These organizations have some wonderful contests to enter when you need anonymous feedback. And the other writers you meet are a godsend since they all speak your language.
What is the hardest part of being a writer?
Rejection and criticism. But then my philosophy is that no one is immune from the delights of experiencing both in life whether you write or not. I was lucky. I developed a tough hide after many years in television production. The brutal honesty of the newsroom is an education in and of itself. You either learn to write fast and well or the executive producer begins to use you for target practice. Beyond criticism, the hurry up and wait syndrome of writing a novel is difficult too. That’s where you work frantically for months on a manuscript only to wait for the rest of the process to unfold – revisions, copyedits, cover art, promotion, etc. You see your work periodically and are given short bursts of time to turn everything around. The rest of the time you must refocus and work on your next book.
What is the best part about being a writer?
I love the creative process, crafting a scene that works on different levels or reworking paragraphs that do not. I think one of the reasons I write fiction is that I don’t like being put “on the spot” in conversations, meaning I find it hard to be confident and witty on the fly. But give me half an hour of quiet reflection and I can usually think of a perfect retort. I also like the fact that my “office” is my laptop and I can take it anyplace as long as there is an electrical outlet located nearby. But what I like the best about writing is that I’ll never master it. There is always something new to learn and I love a challenge.
How do you stay disciplined and have you ever experienced “Writer’s Block?”
Most mornings you can find me with my small brown dachshund curled in my lap and both of us staring at the terrifyingly blank “Black Screen of Death” for HOURS at a time . . . motionless with catatonic expressions. There are two reasons I don’t get up. One, I don’t want to disturb the little darling on my lap. Secondly, if I get up I will have to do chores. Some call this disturbing pattern of behavior Writer’s Block. I call it something altogether unprintable. Now when procrastination settles in for a good long ride and a deadline looms I drag my derriere over to the nearest Starbucks. All those caffeine fumes in the air seem to stimulate the writing muscle in my brain.